Here are my secrets to having amazing youthful skin! This will be hard to believe but I use simple
Extra Virgin Olive oil on my dry skin to have beautiful looking skin. This is so simple but it really works. Here are some of my favorite mixtures with Olive oil and other natural dry skin remedies.
To prevent the skin chapping in cold weather, mix a teaspoon of Olive oil and a teaspoon of Rose water. Apply on the dryest areas and leave it overnight.
For an anti-aging mask, mix a teaspoon of Olive oil with an egg. Smooth it all over the face and neck, let it remain till it gets dry. Remove this by rinsing with warm water.
Jojoba Oil is known to help reduce wrinkles and other aging lines. In addition, it helps promote the growth of new skin cells.
For another beauty mask, mix a tablespoon of Honey, one tablespoon of mashed up Avocado and one teaspoon of Olive oil. Mix well and apply this paste to face and neck (It will be really messy)! Let it remain till the skin for about 10 minutes and then rinse your face until the mask is fully removed. This mask will make your skin soft and smooth.
To Brighten Up A Dull Complexion
Mix a few drops of lemon juice and a half a teaspoon each of Olive oil and milk. Leave on for half an hour and then wash off with water.
To Get Glowing Beautiful Skin
Use Olive Oil directly on your face out of the bottle! Olive oil is an antioxidant and protects the skin from harmful and damaging free radicals. It is like magic on your complexion. It slows down the aging process such as fine lines and wrinkles. I use it every night on my face and when I wake up in the morning, my skin is absolutely amazing looking!
You can use Olive oil as a lip balm, a hair moisturizer, a nail soak, a facial cleanser and even a dandruff treatment.
For Smooth, Silky Youthful Looking Hands.
Smooth on a generous amount of Olive oil on your hands before bed, put on white cotton gloves, and go to sleep. Your hands will be softer and smoother in the morning.